SMART Travelers Book Their Vacation Through a Travel Agency! WHY? Travel Agents obtain Lower Rates than the ‘’ 80% of the time.
An Experienced Travel Agent… | vs | |
Always Considers Your Best Interests. Is Relationship, Service & Value Driven. Respects Your Time, Providing QUICK, Accurate Quotes, w/Details that FIT Your Style, Desires & Budget. Provides a Detailed Description ofPayments, Penalties, Cancellations Uses INDUSTRY AUTOMATION, the AgencyPays for & is Trained to Use. The Information is Quick, Accurate, Complete. Has Years of Travel Experience, Completing Continuing Education Courses. If BookingTravel was so EASY, WHY is Continuing Education So Important? Is Your Advocate Before, During & After Your Vacation. They Value Your Provides Consultation & Professiona lAdvice to Ensure Your Expectations Are EXACTLY what You Seek. Has Office Hours & can Easily be Reachedto Answer Questions,Offer Assistance & Guidance. Will Provide the Specials & ‘Industry Loopholes’, While Sharing Know How & SuggestionsTo Give You the BEST Vacation Experience.
Has it’s Own Agenda. Close the Sale. Get Your Money. Is Sales Driven. NO Regard forYour vacation, Experience, Memories. Eats UP A LOT of Your Time. AfterHours of Research, are You Certain You HAVE the Best Price & Value?? NO Guidance, Description or Reviewof the Penalties / Restrictions. Can You Find w/Assurance these Answers in the Maze of Clicks & Information in the Site? What “POPS UP” first, ‘PAYS’ to“POP UP” first. Does that mean…Best Option, Value, Price??? Sells What Makes the Site Money. Nothing more. Is there someone to speak with ifYou have Questions? Who is yourAdvocate or Knowledgeable GuideTo Obtain Retribution? Books Your Vacation & Takes YourPayment. How Confident areYou the Vacation Property/TripIs what You Paid for & EXPECT? If You CAN Call, are You able toSpeak w/Someone who Knows, understandsYour Preferences, Experiences, concerns? Does the Website Tell You What toDo, What to Avoid, Where theApplicable Specials are to SAVE $$ ? |
The Luxury of using a Professional Travel Agent …
We SAVE You Money & Time, Providing Unbiased & Relevant Information for Your Entire Vacation Experience. Booking Direct or
Does NOT Mean a Lower Price, nor, Unbiased Travel Information.
Everyone Wants to Save Money & TRY to Do Things Themselves, Thinking by Doing So, They’ll Save Money. There is a LOT MORE to KNOW When Booking Travel than Just a Few Clicks. Self Booked Vacations Often RESULT in FAR LESS, yet MORE Costly than Anticipated. Do YOU Want to Leave Your HARD EARNED, LONG AWAITED, Vacation to CHANCE ??
Additionally, when people purchase services of any kind, in most cases they are actually purchasing TIME. IE: Doing taxes isn’t necessarily hard, but very time consuming. When hiring a professional tax preparer, you are actually purchasing TIME. The reason the oil changing business works is people would rather trade a few dollars to have someone else change their oil, than spend the time themselves. Booking travel w/a travel professional WILL SAVE TIME, & MONEY, which is more than other services offer!
Studies Show… Travelers Experience the BEST Vacations & are the HAPPIEST & Most
SATISFIED, When They’ve Booked Through a Travel Agency!
More & more frequently, the unknown internet sites fail to include the numerous & nebulous ‘Extra’ Charges & fees, in the hopes to gain an advantage against the honest & unbiased travel professionals who state the entire price –accurately– up front. When this happens, the purpose is obvious: The site hopes you will see the lower price, forget to figure in taxes & other charges/fees, & buy their product on the erroneous assumption it’s cheaper. To avoid fraudulent intent & obtain accurate, complete pricing before you make your purchase, consult & book w/a travel agent!